
  Committed to the study, research and production of biotechnology, agriculture and food graduates rooted in the idea. Scientific practice and process Together with various interdisciplinary For the development of technology in agriculture, medicine, industry and environment. Under the philosophy of the institute “Education and research in science and technology Is the foundation of national development “

The importance

   From the Cabinet Resolution on March 18, 2003, the National Biotechnology Policy Committee was appointed. To formulate a policy framework for the development of biotechnology in Thailand (2004-2009) is the starting point for clear policy. And is an important tool In promoting various agencies Implementation of the goal to achieve concrete results in 3 areas, including the foundation of a modern biological business. For the strength of the industry in the future Biotechnology personnel preparation The expansion of the base for which such operations Requires personnel with knowledge and capabilities in biotechnology. Therefore, the Bachelor of Science Program in Biotechnology It is part of the mechanism to help lay the foundation. For further development of biotechnology in Thailand.


   Bachelor of Science Program Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Focus on producing personnel in biotechnology, agriculture and food. At the graduate level With the following features.

   Have knowledge and ability in the fields of biotechnology, agriculture and food. And multidisciplinary.

   Ability to research, process, develop, solve problems and make presentations in biotechnology, agriculture and food. From resources available within the country Based on reality.

   Have skills in applying knowledge in biotechnology, agriculture and food Applied to both public and private agencies.

   They are aware of their roles and duties towards oneself and society, have morals, and have a public mind ready to work for the public.


Lecturer, Bachelor of Science Program in Biotechnology

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ดร.พัชราภรณ์ นาคเทวัญ
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